- After working with the CHA Educational staff, to provide a workshop to the membership of CHA at their 2015 Mega Show, held in Anaheim, CA, I submitted a proposal to the Nevada State Arts Council for public funding to help pay for the costs that were incurred in making the workshop happen. It was only a matter of weeks when my proposal was honored and accepted, before I was to attend the scheduled workshop. At the last minute, I was scrambling to get the word out, and all the necessary materials created and put in place to make the workshop all I hoped it to be. I am now thanking both the Nevada State Arts Council and the National Endowment for the Arts for their generous contribution in seeing the vision I have for this exciting technique.
These two fine organizations and public agencies are making it possible politically and financially on a state and national level, to bring the arts back into the schools and to provide funding to artist's who need the extra monies to make what they envision possible. By receiving grant funding I was not only encouraged to pursue what I see as an opportunity for me but for other "Creatives" to do what they see is possible with the artistic medium they are passionate about. "The money is one thing, but the encouragement that I am on the right tract is so much more gratifying and rewarding." If you need any help in writing a Grant, the individual agencies are there to help and I am also. Please support them in any way you can! Contact me if you have questions.